How to Use 使用方法

© Ishikawa Michiko いしかわみちこ

Designed to reach a broad audience, including but not limited to scholars, photography professionals, art enthusiasts, amateur historians, and students of all ages, there are many ways for visitors to engage with Behind the Camera.


This site is organized by modules that address specific historical problems. Each module consists of a short lecture video, an annotated bibliography, high-resolution images, and translated primary source material. You may sort through the modules by time period or theme. To find a specific module, click on the “Modules” tab and then the time period or theme that interests you. Alternatively, you can explore the biographies of women photographers in the interactive timeline. Each individual’s career is mapped across important events in Japanese and global photo history. If that individual is the subject of a module, the timeline will link back to relevant resources within the Behind the Camera site.



Instructors Can... 講師の方々へ...

  • Assign a video as a “reading” to accompany course lectures. The related photographs, bibliographies, and primary resources can be analyzed in relation to course content, or used to teach students how to analyze visual and textual sources.
  • Use the modules to diversify classes in history, art history, and gender studies with perspectives on Japan.
  • 講義に付随する課題資料」として動画を指定できます。関連する写真、参考文献、一次資料と授業内容との関連性を分析したり、映像や文献資料の分析方法を教える教材として使用することができます 
  • モジュールを活用して、歴史学、美術史学、ジェンダー学などの授業を多様化、多角化することができます。 



Students Can... 学生の方々へ...

  • Watch individual modules to learn more about the histories of photography, gender dynamics, the politics of visual representation, lens-based technologies, and more.
  • Use Behind the Camera as the starting point for research projects and essays. The annotated bibliographies provide students with an analysis of foundational texts related to the issues introduced in each module.
  • Develop their own modules by making connections between photographs and points of resonance across history.
  • 個々のモジュールを視聴して写真の歴史、ジェンダーのダイナミクス、視覚表象の政治、レンズを使った技術などについて詳しく学ぶことができます 
  • Behind the Camera(カメラの後ろでを研究プロジェクトやレポート課題の出発点として使用できます。注釈付き参考文献には、各モジュールで紹介されているトピックに関連する基礎的な文献の要旨が記載されています 
  • 時代をまたいで写真とそれに関連するトピックの関係性を発見し、独自のモジュールを作ることができます 



Researchers Can... 研究者の方々へ...

  • Explore major topics in the history of Japanese photography and gender studies and acquire new scholarly perspectives.
  • Cite modules as secondary sources in their own research.
  • Participate in Behind the Camera by proposing their own modules.
  • 日本の写真史やジェンダー研究の主要なトピック、新しい学術的視点探求するのにご活用いただけます 
  • 自身の研究において、モジュールを二次資料としてご利用いただけます 
  • Behind the Camera(カメラの後ろでプロジェクト参加にご興味がある方から新しいモジュール提案を募集していますお問合せください 


Citing this Website 本ウェブサイトの引用について

Cushman, Carrie and Kelly McCormick, eds. Behind the Camera 1.0: Gender, Power, and Politics in the History of Japanese Photography. 2022. https://XXX.Accessed [MONTH], [DATE], [YEAR].

Citing a Module モジュールの引用について

Hagiwara, Hiroko. “Araki Industry.” In Behind the Camera 1.0: Gender, Power, and Politics in the History of Japanese Photography, edited by Carrie Cushman and Kelly McCormick. 2021. https://XXX. Accessed [MONTH], [DATE], [YEAR].

Citing a Specific Image 画像の引用について

Maruki Riyo. “Empress Shoken” (1889) In Behind the Camera 1.0: Gender, Power, and Politics in the History of Japanese Photography, edited by Carrie Cushman and Kelly McCormick. 2021. https://XXX. Accessed [MONTH], [DATE], [YEAR].

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

The images included in the site should be considered in-text citations, that is, they are not covered by the site's license. We have made every effort to clarify the rights status of images in the image metadata and, where appropriate, in the caption. Users are responsible for ascertaining the rights status of images before reproducing them elsewhere.
